Farewell from trends – Bucsu 2.0

Today was my last day at Trends. The team has been surprised me with a celebration and with some present, I was touched.
Ma volt az utolso napom a Trendsnel, es hat a kollegak eleg jol megleptek egy bucsu partyval es ajandekokkal… meghatodtam na…

David said a long speech about the change, and the road, what we have been done together. He highlighted that, it will be hard to replace me, so I can expect his calls for the next 6 months, but he do understand I have to move forward and take care of my own destiny here in New Zealand. I said Trends is a big Family with all the good and bad things what this is means, there was no need for further explanation:)
David hosszu beszedet tartott a valtozasrol, es az utrol amit kozosen kezdtunk el, kiemelte hogy nehez lesz potolni szoval az elkovetkezo 6 honapban szamitsak ra hogy minden nap keresnek, de megerti hogy keresem a magam igazat itt Uj Zealandon es tovabb allok. En kiemeltem hogy Trends egy nagy csalad az osszes jo es rossz dologgal. Erre tovabbi magyarazatot nem kellett adnom

David gave me an awesome present a toothpaste. This is an inside joke, so it is touched me. My team gave me an airpods. I was surprised, and it is really really moved me. So I gave them a big european hug one by one. Than Judy come down to say goodbye to the kids, when I left the office, and see Suzy… she was sad, and happy at the same time. Hell… it was harder than I thought it would be!
David fogkremet adott, ez olyan belsos vicc nalunk, megerintett na… A csapatom egy airpodsot vett ajandekba… ez nem csak meglepett de el is erzekenyultem, szoval gyorsan adtam mindegyikuknek egy jo kis europai olelest had szokjak. Utana meg Judy lejott elkoszonni a csaladtol meg Zsuzsitol, O boldog is volt ertunk meg rettentoen szomoru… berhogy is nezem de nehezebb volt mint amire szamitottam…

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